RFP for Joint County Public Participation Plan, Title VI Plan, Limited-English Proficiency Plan, Congestion Management Process, & Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan

The Board of Commissioners in Lackawanna County and the County Council in Luzerne County, located in Northeastern Pennsylvania, are seeking proposals for a consultant team to help produce a joint county Public Participation Plan, Title VI Plan, Limited-English Proficiency Plan, Congestion Management Process and Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan. The Counties are interested in developing a group of plans that will guide future transportation planning and participation processes for the Lackawanna-Luzerne Transportation Study Metropolitan Planning Organization (LLLTS MPO).

Interested firms are invited to send one (1) original, five (5) bound hard copies and two
(2) flash drives with the proposal and project details sealed to the issuing office to the
attention of Mary Ann Amesbury, Director Luzerne County Purchasing Department at
Penn Place Office Building, 20 N. Pennsylvania Avenue, Suite 203, Wilkes-Barre, PA

All proposals must be received by 4:00 PM EST on March 31, 2023.

A link to the RFP can be found below:

Soliciting For A Consultant Team To Help Produce A Joint County Public Participation Plan


Q: Since the Technical Proposal and Cost Proposal are to be separate, does the requirement of 1
original, 5 bound copies, and 2 flash drives apply to the Cost Proposal as well or do you only need x1
copy of the Cost Proposal included in a separate sealed envelope?

A: Only one copy of the cost proposal is necessary.

Q: For the format, it is stated that all proposals much be written in 12-point font and 2-inch margins. We need clarifications on the margin size. Does there need to be 2-inch margins on either side or just 2 inches total margins (with 1-inch margins being on either side, top and bottom as well)?
A: 2 inches of total margins with 1-inch being on each side, top and bottom (Normal Microsoft Word

PROJECT PERSONNEL states that there is a 3-page limit for all key personnel information and
organization chart. Does this 3-page limit include the resumes, or are they separate from this?

A: Resumes are not counted towards the 3 page limit and can be included in the appendix of the
Technical Proposal.

Q: Should all required forms be located at the end of the Technical Proposal and should a second set be included in the Cost Proposal as well?
o Bid Questionnaire Form
o Proposal Blanks
o Responders Signature Form
o Return or Purchasing Department Non-Collusion Affidavit

A: It doesn’t matter if they are at the end of the proposal.