Lackawanna County Planning and the City of Scranton Team Up

Lackawanna County Planning and the City of Scranton recently worked together as part of the Green Light-GO Grant Program.  The funding allowed for asset management of the City’s 120+ traffic signals.  This covered all signals including those on state and local roadways.

The inventory captured roadway widths, travel and turning lanes.  It also addressed signals that are outdated, those that don’t have enough overhead lights and overall condition of the signal.  The status of the crosswalks, mast arms, signal control boxes and roadway paint were also identified.  The inventory also lets the City know which signals are lacking newer technologies such as camera detection and emergency preemption for emergency services.

The Green Light-GO program is a 50-50 reimbursable grant program offered by the state.  It is anticipated that round 3 of the program will open up in 2016.  With the data, the City can prioritize its signal network while making use of available grant opportunities.