Approval of the 2017-2020 TIP

New Picture (21)The Lackawanna-Luzerne Transportation Study (LLTS) is the designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) charged with undertaking transportation network planning in the two county region by the United States Department of Transportation. The LLTS prepares a Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP) covering a minimum of twenty years of highway projects, A Twelve Year Program (TYP) outlining transportation projects to be undertaken in the next twelve years in three four-year increments and the Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) the planning document for the first four years of the TYP.

Under previous and current transportation legislation (Intermodal Surface Transportation and Efficiency Act- ISTEA, The Transportation Efficiency Act for the 21st Century- TEA 21, the National Economic Transportation Efficiency Act- NEXTEA and the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act- FAST Act) all MPOs must put the TIP on public display for review and comment for a period of thirty days. The LLTS extended that deadline to 35 days.

The following documents were distributed to the Scranton Public Library, Carbondale Public Library, Hazleton Area Public Library, Osterhout Free Library, the Pittston Memorial Library, the Hazleton One Center, the Lackawanna County Regional Planning Commission and Luzerne County Planning Commission Offices and at the PENNDOT District 4-0 office.

– Lackawanna-Luzerne County (Scranton/Wilkes-Barre TIP) FFY 2017 State Transportation Improvement Program and TIP Modification Procedures.

– Lackawanna-Luzerne County (Scranton/Wilkes-Barre TIP) FFY 2017 Highway and Bridge Transportation Improvement Program with public narrative.

– Lackawanna-Luzerne County Interstate Transportation Improvement Program FFY 2017 (Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Area) with public narrative.

– Statewide Highway and Bridge Transportation Improvement Program with public narrative.

– Lackawanna-Luzerne County FFY 2017 (Scranton/Wilkes-Barre TIP) Public Transit Transportation Improvement Program.

– Lackawanna-Luzerne County (Scranton/Wilkes-Barre TIP) FFY 2017 Public Transit Documents- County of Lackawanna Transit System (COLTS).

– Lackawanna-Luzerne County (Scranton/Wilkes-Barre TIP) FFY 2017 Public Transit Documents- Hazleton Public Transit.

– Lackawanna-Luzerne County (Scranton/Wilkes-Barre TIP) FFY 2017 Public Transit Documents- Luzerne County Transit Authority (LCTA).

Copies of the recently approved LLTS Public Participation Plan Update and the Title VI Non Discrimination Plan Update are also included in the packet for informational purposes.

As per federal regulation, the MPO was also required to contact all Native American tribes that have an interest in the region’s transportation projects. Notifications were sent to the Absentee-Shawnee Tribe of Oklahoma, Delaware Nation of Interest, Delaware Tribe, Eastern Shawnee Area of Interest, Oneida Indian Nation, Onondaga Nation, Seneca-Cayuga Tribe of Oklahoma, Shawnee Tribe and Tuscarora Nation.