2019 Twelve Year Program Update Public Participation Opportunities


2019 Twelve Year Program Update Public Participation Opportunities

The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and the State Transportation Commission (STC) is in the Public Comment Phase for the Update of its 2019 Twelve Year Transportation Program (TYP).

An important step in our two year Planning Process is to hear from our Stakeholders including our partner agencies, organizations and constituencies throughout the Commonwealth.

How You Can Help!

1) Take a look at our recently released 2017 Transportation Performance Report, take the Transportation Survey and register for the online public meeting—all of these materials can be found at www.TalkPATransportation.com

2) Help us spread the word about the TYP Update and opportunities for public participation by sharing our promotional materials—an online toolkit with sample content for social media posts, a fact sheet and a brief promotional video is available at www.TalkPATransportation.com/toolkit.html You can make best use of these resources by:
• Including a brief explanation about the 2019 TYP Update, the online survey and online public meeting on your website, in your newsletter, or in an email blast to your staff, membership/constituency.
• Using the social media graphics and sample content on your personal and organization’s social media sites.
• Posting a copy of the Fact Sheet on your website, printing copies for your bulletin boards
and distributing at your meetings.

Thanks So Much for your assistance with increasing public awareness of the Transportation Planning Process and the opportunities for Public Participation.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact [email protected]
